What’s Your CEO Profit Profile?

The Results Are In

Based on your responses, your CEO Profit Profile™ is DREAMER!

As a CEO Dreamer, you are still trying to find your way. You may have started making money, but revenue is inconsistent.

You are motivated but need support with narrowing down your One Big Idea, knowing what to do next, and staying ultra-focused on the plan.


The CEO Dreamer faces three core hurdles:

Challenge #1: Trying to build on passion, experience, and skills. At this stage, focus on laying a foundation strong enough to support your business structure. Passion Won’t Pay The Bills

Challenge #2: Trying to build with limited money. At this stage, focus on securing reliable money sources for ongoing business development. Sometimes a J-O-B is the funding source!

Challenge #3: Trying to do too much. At this stage, focus on mastering the art of market acceptance and going after one niche opportunity. Translation: Stop chasing bright shiny objects!


At this stage, the CEO Dreamer must find customers and create the right products/services, or you may run out of capital and be forced to close the business.

If you are ready for specific CEO Dreamer strategies, watch for our next email. And be sure to add our email address to your safe list (conciergeATprofitableceo.com)