What’s Your CEO Profit Profile?

The Results Are In

Based on your responses, your CEO Profit Profile™ is BUILDER!

As a CEO Builder, you have products/services and a steady stream of customers.

Now, you need to increase your revenue, grow your market share, and create a consistently converting sales funnel.


The CEO Builder faces three core hurdles:

Challenge #1: Underestimating product/service time to market. At this stage, planning for everything to take twice as long and cost twice as much will help keep your business on the right track.

Challenge #2: Failing to balance startup demands. At this stage, establishing a customer base and market presence is just as important as tracking and conserving cash flow.

Challenge #3: Trying to build with limited money. At this stage, focus on securing reliable money sources for ongoing business development.



To retain the current customer base and consistently build product/service offerings.

#1 Examine the relationship between revenue and expenses.

At this stage, you have a viable product/service and a strong client base. The owner remains synonymous with the business and the team functions mainly as implementors, rather than autonomous decision-makers. Development of systems is minimal, formal planning is cash forecasting, at its best, and the main objective is still survival.

A CEO Builder cannot remain at this stage for long periods of marginal returns – and is often faced with folding completely or selling the company at a considerable loss. Your actual budget may even exceed the originally allocated budget, so do not waste time and money tweaking your products/services.

#2 Grow the size and profitability of the business.

  • Establish market presence and a customer base
  • Control revenue and cash-reserve requirements
  • Recruit staff
  • Accounts management
  • Raise money


  • Do I have enough customers to be a viable business?
  • Can my services compete in the marketplace?
  • Do I have enough resources to deliver products/services on time?
  • Can I produce adequate revenue in the short term to cover the replacement and repair of capital assets as they mature or decay?
  • Can I, at least, generate sufficient revenue to remain in business and continue to sustain growth to the point that my time and energy investments return?


This stage is highly chaotic, characterized by self-doubt and turbulence, but the CEO Builder must remain steadfast in attracting customers, delivering the right products/services, and building brand identity.

If you are ready for specific CEO Builder strategies, watch for our next email. And be sure to add our email address to your safe list (conciergeATprofitableceo.com)

Profitable CEO® is a “social enterprise” committed to influencing opportunities for Multicultural Companies, Entrepreneurs and Organizations by building community, amplifying visibility, and accelerating profitability.